
Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • QED employs a double-anonymous peer-review system for all scholarly article submissions. To ensure anonymity, there should be no identifying information in the submitted Word document.

  • The submission is a Microsoft Word document or similar with character and space count is listed on title page (necessary in determining typeset article length).
  • Manuscript adheres to Chicago Manual of Style endnote system (not footnote or author-date). Endnotes are embedded using the MS Word reference tool. All citations and endnotes are complete, with endnote in-text numbering correctly corresponding with related note in endnote section. Manuscript adheres to MSU Press Journals Style Guide.
  • All images, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end. Figures are appropriately and consistently labeled throughout (Figure 1, Figure 2, Table 1, Table 2, etc.). Captions are included where necessary. During the submission process, you will be given a chance to upload all figures, graphics, images as supplementary files. Images should be minimum 300 dpi at planned publication size. Image files are appropriately labeled to correspond to what they are called within the text (Fig. 1, Fig. 2, etc.).
  • You are able to obtain permission for any photographs, maps, and other graphics appearing in your article. Use the QED Permission Request Letter to obtain permission from the rightsholder. An issue cannot publish until MSU Press has the proof of permission on file.

Author Guidelines

All manuscripts submitted for publication must be original work that has not been published previously and is not currently under consideration by any other publication. All contributions will be peer reviewed by QED Editorial Board members and external reviewers. Response time is typically three months from date of submission. Contributions are accepted on a rolling basis. Authors must be willing to respond to reviewers’ comments, make revisions, and review page proofs in a timely manner. A tentative schedule will be provided at time of submission acceptance.

Images and Derivative Materials

  • It is the author’s obligation and responsibility to determine and satisfy copyright and/or other use restrictions prior to submitting materials to MSU Press for publication.
  • Images must be submitted as supplementary, clearly-labeled files at time of submission.
  • All images must be minimum 300 dpi at planned publication size.
  • Citations, permissions, and captions are required upon submission for all images.
  • We cannot publish such materials without an accompanying signed permissions letter.

Uploading Instructions

To begin a submission to QED, users must be registered as an "author" and logged in to this website. Once registered and logged in, you can begin a submission to a particular section from this submissions page, or via the "submission" button on the dashboard.

You will be directed through the submission wizard and asked to complete the following steps:

  1. Start: You will be asked to select the journal section to which you are submitting, click through the author checklist, and consent to the terms of the MSU Press author publishing agreement and privacy policy.
  2. Upload submission: Here you will be asked to upload your submission materials, including the main article text as well as any additional materials such as images and tables.
  3. Enter metadata: At this step you will be asked for title, abstract, and keywords. If your piece has multiple authors, you should enter coauthor information here by clicking the "Add Contributor" button.
  4. Confirmation: This step gives you a final chance to go back and update any files or metadata before submission. Click the "Finish Submission" button to complete the submission. 
  5. Next steps: You will receive a confirmation message that your piece has been received by the editors, who will contact you with next steps. If you do not receive a confirmation message via, check your spam folder and make sure to set your email client to allow emails from, as all future communications from the system will be sent from that address.

Scholarly Articles

Original research manuscripts, 10,000 word maximum (including endnotes). Chicago Manual of Style, endnote-style citations only.

Activist Essays

Original article-length non-academic essays, 5,000 word maximum. Please provide a brief abstract about the theme of your essay.

Book Reviews

Standard Book Reviews for QED should be 800–1,200 words although, depending on the book being reviewed, they may be shorter or longer. Book reviewers should discuss the length of the review with the Book Review Editor before writing. Reviews should be accessibly written with an audience in mind that is comprised of academics, activists, and artists interested in GLBTQ issues. Inquiries should be sent to: Godfried Asante, Book Review Editor.

The following information should be placed at the start of each review:

Word Count:

Title in Italics. By Author/Editor. City, ST: Publisher, 2011; x + 300 pp., $50.00 cloth, $20.00 paper, $40.00 ebook.

Following the publication information and word count, a good book review should be timely and consider the following*:

  • The intended audience(s) for the book and who would find it useful (i.e., professors, graduate students, undergraduate students, practitioners, etc.)
  • The book's thesis, its main ideas and major objectives, and how effectively these are accomplished
  • The theoretical, political, or social contexts that create the impetus for the book (i.e., what conversation is the book entering; what is the book responding to)
  • The methods and sources used in the book
  • Constructive comments about the book's strengths and weaknesses

Beneath the review, you should include your name, institutional affiliation, and country on the right side as you would like it to be printed.


Godfried Asante
San Diego State University

* If the book you are reviewing is a memoir, work of fiction or work of other creative non-fiction, please consider including the following:

  • A brief synopsis of the book's main parts: key characters, scenes, themes, interactions, tensions and the like
  • A discussion of the narrative structure of the book, the writing style, and overall readability
  • A recommendation of the book (i.e., strong or weak), and for which audiences you would recommend it

Typically, reviews of these kinds of books will be only 500-800 words.

Film and Video Reviews

QED accepts reviews of GLBTQ films and videos. Standard Film and Video reviews for QED should be 800–1,200 words although, depending on the film/video being reviewed, they may be shorter or longer. Film/video reviewers should discuss the length of the review with the Film/Video Review Editor before writing. Reviews should be accessibly written with an audience in mind that is comprised of academics, activists, and artists interested in GLBTQ issues.

FILM REVIEWS: Please review these instructions before submission. Contact Bernadette Marie Calafell with any questions at

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.