
Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The essay is an original contribution to the scope of REGS. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • I (author, contributor) hereby declare that this submitted work is entirely my own original creation. I confirm that I have not used artificial intelligence tools, including but not limited to ChatGPT, Claude, or other AI language models, to generate, write, or augment any portion of this work. All ideas, analyses, and writing are my intellectual product. I understand that submitting AI-generated content without disclosure constitutes academic dishonesty.
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word document file (no PDF, no RTF, no ODT or any other file type that is not Word). And it complies with the extension limit per the submission guidelines Author Guidelines
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
    If citing web references, follow MLA style (currently 9th ed).
  • The text is double-spaced; uses a 12-point font Times New Roman; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end. Endnotes at the end of the essay: Times New Roman, font 10 or 12, double-spaced.


    The essay includes a title (no longer than 15 words) and an abstract/resumen (also double-spaced, Times New Roman 12, max 100 words).

  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in "About the Journal." It follows MLA 7th edition (especially for formatting, citations, and Works Cited). All pages are numbered.
  • The essay, creative work, or review essay does not contain your name or any other indication that can identify you as an author. (This instruction does not apply to book reviews and interviews. In these cases, include the author's name according to submission guidelines).
  • The essay does not have your name or references to your name in any section. If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal (essays, review essays), the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed. Exception: "book reviews" should include the reviewer's name per the instructions sent by the editor.

  • If your essay includes images/illustrations/film-captures/tv-stills, etc., you have followed our policy on the publication of images for the correct submission of files and to secure the appropriate permissions in a timely manner. Images are uploaded as separate/supplemental files

Author Guidelines

To submit a work to REGS, you must be registered as an "author" and logged in on the journal platform. Visit and follow the instructions. If you need assistance to register for an account, contact

Once logged in, go to "User Home" to start your submission. You will be able to go through the submission process. Please make sure to follow the guidelines for the submission of each article type (essay, interview, book review). 

To maintain a high-quality publication, REGS asks that authors respect the following recommendations:
(We recommend that you watch our video tutorials on the AEGS YouTube channel)

I. Scholarly Essays/Articles
Articles published in Revista de Estudios de Género y Sexualidades are original contributions that deepen, widen, and renew knowledge and research in our field. To do so, they must meet a series of criteria:

  1. State a clear thesis and argument or series of arguments that support it.
  2. The articles are backed by a solid investigation that considers a current and relevant bibliography as it engages in dialogue with current debates on the subject of study.
  3. Define and develop a precise critical apparatus using theory, historical materials, and other secondary sources that support the thesis.
  4. Written clearly and well-organized and consistently follows the MLA style guide.
  5. Authors are professionals in the field (faculty, researchers, independent scholars, writers) and holders of a Ph.D. or MFA. Exceptionally, REGS considers submissions by advanced Doctoral students, that is, those in the last stages of writing their doctoral dissertation or ABD (All But Dissertation). 
Formatting and style
  1. REGS publishes essays in Spanish or English. 
  2. The final length (after revisions) is between 6,000 and 8,000 words (approximately double-spaced, 20-26 pages), including title (max 15 words), abstracts (Spanish or English, max 100 words), endnotes, and Works Cited.
  3. Page size: US Letter. 
  4. Style: MLA 9th edition. 
  5. Essay: Double-spaced, Font 12, Times New Roman. 
  6. The title should be at most 15 words. 
  7. Include an abstract/resumen (in the language of the essay) between the title and essay (first page). The abstract/resumen should be a maximum of 100 words. 
  8. Emphasis: do not use bold. Italics are allowed. 
  9. Works Cited list at the end of the essay. Follow MLA 9th edition. 
  10. Use automatic footnotes, font 10, double-spaced, Times New Roman (submissions that use manually-entered footnotes will be returned to their authors to replace them with automatic footnotes and resubmit). 
    1. FYI: If accepted (after revisions), the REGS editorial team will convert all footnotes to endnotes and place them before the Works Cited section.
    2. The "Works Cited" list should go after the endnotes page. Use "section break" (Word) to place Works Cited after the endnotes page. 
  11. Quotes from primary works should go in the original language (English or Spanish) without translation in the essay or note.   
  12. Pages should be numbered. 
  13. Do not include your name or any reference that may identify you as the essay's author. Essays must remain anonymous for the review process. See "Preparing your manuscript for (anonymous) evaluation" below. 
  14. If your essay includes images/illustrations/film captures/TV stills, etc., consult our policy on the publication of images (scroll down) to ensure the correct submission of files and the timely securement of the appropriate permissions. Remember that an image in an essay is a half-page, approximately 200 words, which are included in the final word count (max 8,000 words). 
  15. For additional information on using or citing any of the following, contact for specific instructions about  media, audiovisual material, and digital media such as:   
    1. YouTube videos (or similar platforms like Vimeo, etc.)
    2. Quoting/citing dialogues or scenes from videos and film (in the essay)
    3. Interviews (in person, in print, audiovisual format, published online)
    4. Oral presentations (talks, papers) at conferences and congresses.
    5. In public presentations, Round tables, discussion panels, and Q&A (Questions & Answers).
    6. Conferences proceedings (Actas de Congresos).
    7. Art pieces (painting, sculpture, photography, etc.)
    8. Music, song, music album.
    9. Movies (motion pictures, documentaries, television)
    10. Television shows/series: (a) recorded, (b) live shows, radio shows, (c) from streaming services (Netflix, Hulu, Google Play, Amazon), (d) a complete series, (e) one specific episode of a TV show/series, (f) podcasts, (g) Oral word/albums (usually comedy). 
    11. Digital archives (PDF, MP3, JPGs)
    12. Ebooks (Kindle, etc.) <-- Avoid citing books from Kindle eBooks or similar. Use printed sources or electronic sources with print or web typetting. 

II. Interviews:
Interviews are managed by the REGS Associate Editor.  Before you submit an interview to REGS, contact the Associate Editor and provide the following information:

  • Brief introduction about the Author/Scholar/Artist to be interviewed (4-5 lines).
  • Impact of the interview on our readership  (4-5 lines)
  • Brief List of Interviewee's works (except individual works in anthologies) and initiatives (titles only, up to 10).
  • The interviewer's/your expertise in the interviewee's work and motivation to do this interview (4-5 lines).
  • List of 7-10 questions to be approved by the associate editor. 
--> Once you get approval from the REGS Associate Editor, please proceed and prepare the interview text according to the following instructions:
REGS publishes interviews with creative writers, artists, and prominent scholars whose work is related to the mission of AEGS and the scope of REGS. Interviewers must be current members of AEGS, be knowledgeable about the author's works and trajectory, and coordinate the interview preparation with the REGS Associate Editor.

Interviews should include:

  1. A brief introduction to the author's/artist's works and their impact on Hispanic/Lusophone literature/arts.   
  2. A set of well-thought-out questions approved by the associate editor.
  3. The author's works cited.  
  4. Length: 2,500-4000 words.

The preparation of interviews follows the guidelines (format, style) to prepare essays for submission (with a different word count). Please reach out to the Associate Editor for additional information.


III. Review Essays:  
REGS publishes review essays of 2-5 academic/scholarly books (monographs, collections of essays) on a single topic on women's, gender, and sexuality studies published in the Hispanic and Lusophone world. Preference is given to books published by academic presses within four years of the current issue’s publication. The Book Review Editor reserves the right to edit, request revisions of review essays, or decline them. Contact the Book Review Editor for additional information and titles to review in this essay:

The preparation of review essays follows the guidelines (format, style) to prepare essays for submission (with a word count between 3,000-4,000 words). 

IV. Book Reviews
Important Notice: 
REGS issues up to 51.2 (November 2025) are filled with approved and edited reviews. Book reviews requested/received from January 2025 on will be published in the 2026 issues and later. 

Book Reviews of scholarly works should:

  1. Present a clear synthesis of the topic of study.
  2. Place the reviewed book in the current debate about the topic.
  3. Present a critical perspective on the reviewed study.
  4. Length: 700-1000 words.

Reviews of literary works should:

  1. Offer a brief synopsis of the piece.
  2. Place the reviewed piece within its intellectual context, showing the tradition(s) in which it inscribes itself.
  3. Offer a critical perspective about the reviewed work, highlighting its aesthetic value and potential reflections it demands.
  4. Length: 350–700 words.

The preparation of book reviews follows the guidelines (format, style) to prepare essays for submission (with a different word count). The Book Review Editor will provide detailed instructions on how to write a book review. 

  1. Authors may include up to 3 images/figures in the final version of the essay. Keep in mind that images occupy half a page, thus using approximately 200 words. This count shall be included in the maximum word count of 8,000 words/essay.
  2. Only images that are being analyzed in the essay are accepted. Images with purely illustrative functions- appropriate for a commercial publication rather than an academic journal- are not accepted.
  3. The following fall within the term "images": photographs, illustrations, maps, graphs, film- and television stills. 
  4. Images/Figures will appear in the printed journal in black and white or grayscale.  

Formatting images for submission 

  1. Images are submitted electronically in clearly labeled graphics files separate from the manuscript text. They are submitted in the author's submission portal alongside the essay. 
  2. Formats: JPG, PNG, TIFF. The file must be at least 300 dpi at the planned publication size, which is high-resolution in its 100% size. 
  3. Since journal pages are 6 x 9 inches in dimensions, images should be 4 x 7 inches at most, although smaller is preferable. This will use a half-page (equivalent to 200 words).
  4. Images should be numbered (Figura 1, Figura 2, etc.) and referenced parenthetically in the text (Figure 1).
  5. Do not include/paste the image in the essay's Word document. Please include a reference for its location with complete caption information. For example: [Insert Figura 1: title + info/caption + title of the file.jpg]
  6. All images should have a caption including the title of the image - image author/artist/creator - year - location (archive, museum, repository). If permissions were obtained, it should say "Reproduced by permission of..."

Permissions and Copyright:
The author/researcher is responsible for determining and satisfying copyright and other use restrictions before submitting materials to MSU Press for publication.
Citations, permissions, and captions are required upon submission for all images. Use the REGS Permission Request Letter to obtain permission from the image’s rights holder—we cannot publish such materials until written clearance is obtained.
Permission to reproduce images will be uploaded to the author's submission portal. 


PREPARING A MANUSCRIPT FOR (ANONYMOUS) EVALUATION (essays, review essays, creative works) - Does NOT apply to book reviews

To ensure that the assessment of both articles and creative works is carried out anonymously, the authors are asked to erase from their text any signs of their identity. We advise following these guidelines:

  • The author's name is not to appear on the manuscript’s title page, heading, or footer.
  • If the author cites a previous work of their own, the name must be replaced in the citation with “author,” and the appropriate reference must be left out in the bibliography. This information must be added to the article's final version once the manuscript has been accepted for publication.
  • Omit every reference to previous versions of the articles and notes of appreciation to institutions or colleagues that could compromise the author's anonymity. This information can also be included in the final version.
  • The author’s name should also be erased from the article's electronic file. When the file is selected, it can be done under the “Properties” tab.


Scholarly Essays/Articles

Articles published in Revista de Estudios de Género y Sexualidades are original contributions that deepen, widen, and renew knowledge and research in our field. In order to do so, they must meet a series of criteria:

  1. State a clear thesis and argument or series of arguments that support it.
  2. Articles are supported by a solid investigation that considers a current and relevant bibliography as it engages in dialogue with current debates on the subject of study.
  3. Define and develop a precise critical apparatus using theory, historical materials, and/or other secondary sources that support the thesis.
  4. It is written in a clear and well-organized manner and consistently follows the MLA style guide.
  5. Authors are professionals in the field (faculty, researchers, independent scholars, writers) and holders of a Doctoral degree or an MFA. Exceptionally, REGS will consider essays by ABD (All but dissertation) students or Ph.D. candidates in the advanced stages of their doctoral dissertation. 

Formatting and style

  1. REGS publishes essays in Spanish or English. 
  2. The final length (after revisions) is between 6,000 and 8,000 words (approximately double-spaced 22-28 pages), including title (Spanish or English), abstracts (Spanish or English, max 100 words), endnotes, and Works Cited.
  3. Page size: US Letter. 
  4. Style: MLA 9th edition (the REGS editorial team will adjust all submissions made until December 2023, which follows MLA 7th ed). 
  5. Essay: Double-space, Font 12, Times New Roman. 
  6. The title should be at most 15 words. 
  7. Include an abstract/resumen (in the language of the essay) between the title and essay (first page). The abstract/resumen should be a maximum of 100 words. 
  8. Do not use bold. Italics are allowed. 
  9. Works Cited list at the end of the essay. Follow MLA 9th edition. 
  10. Use automatic footnotes, font 10, double-spaced, Times New Roman (submissions that use manually-entered footnotes will be returned to their authors to replace them with automatic footnotes and resubmit). 
    1. FYI: If accepted (after revisions), the REGS editorial team will convert all footnotes to endnotes and place them before the Works Cited section.
    2. The "Works Cited" list should go after the endnotes page. Use "section break" (Word) to place Works Cited after the endnotes page. 
  11. Quotes from primary works should go in the original language (English or Spanish) without translation in the essay or note.   
  12. Pages should be numbered. 
  13. Do not include your name or any reference that may identify you like the essay's author. Essays must remain anonymous for the review process. 

If your essay includes images/illustrations/film-captures/tv-stills, etc., consult our policy on the publication of images for the correct submission of files and to secure the appropriate permissions in a timely manner. Keep in mind that an image in an essay uses half page, approximately 200 words and these are included in the final word count of the essay (max 8,000 words)


Ensayos/artículos críticos

Los artículos publicados en Revista de Estudios de Género y Sexualidades son contribuciones originales que profundizan, amplían y renuevan el conocimiento y la investigación en nuestro campo.  Con este objetivo en mente, artículos deben cumplir con los siguientes criterios:

  1. Establecer una tesis clara y un argumento o una serie de argumentos que la apoyen o demuestren. 
  2. Apoyarse en una investigación sólida que tiene en cuenta bibliografía actualizada y pertinente, ya que el objetivo es dialogar con debates acerca del tema de estudio.  
  3. Definir y desarrollar un aparato crítico claro por medio de materiales teóricos e históricos y otras fuentes secundarias que apoyen o demuestren la tesis.  
  4. Escribirse de manera clara y bien organizada y seguir los lineamientos (formato y estilo) del MLA-7a edición.  
  5. Los autores deben ser profesionales del campo (profesores, investigadores, intelectuales independientes, escritores), poseedores de un Doctorado o MFA. Excepcionalmente, REGS considera ensayos por estudiantes de Doctorado avanzados, es decir, aquellos que se encuentran en etapa avanzada en la escritura de la tesis doctoral. En inglés, ABD (All But Dissertation). 

Formato y estilo

  1. REGS publica ensayos en español e inglés.   
  2. Extensión del artículo a publicar (después de revisiones): entre 6,000-8,000 palabras (approximadamente 22-26 páginas a espacio doble) que incluyan el título (en español o en inglés), sumillas (en español o en ingles, max. 100 palabras por cada sumilla), notas al final del artículo (endnotes), Obras Citadas.
  3. Tamaño de la página: carta (US Letter). 
  4. Estilo:  MLA 9th edition (el equipo editorial de REGS ajustará todos los ensayos que se publican hasta diciembre 2024 y que fueron sometidos usando MLA 7a ed).  
  5. Ensayo: Espacio doble, tamaño de letra 12,Times New Roman.
  6. El título no debe exceder las 15 palabras.
  7. Incluya un resumen (max 100 palabras) entre el título y su ensayo en la primera página.  
  8. No use negrita en ninguna parte del ensayo. 
  9. La lista de Obras citadas va al final del ensayo, formateadas según MLA 9a edición
  10. Use notas automáticas a pie de página, fuente Times New Roman 10, espaciado lineal doble. Los ensayos recibidos con notas insertadas manualmente serán retornados a sus autores para corregirlas a notas automáticas y someter el ensayo de nuevo. 
    1. Para su información: Si se acepta el artículo (después de todas las ediciones), el equipo editorial de REGS se ocupa de formatear todas las notas a pie a notas a notas al final del ensayo, las que se colocan antes de la lista de Obras citadas. 
    2. En la versión publicada, la lista de Obras citadas va después de la lista de notas. Usamos  "section break" (Word) para lograr este formato. 
  11. Las citas textuales de obras primarias deben ir en la lengua original (español o inglés) sin traducción en el cuerpo del ensayo o en nota.  
  12. Numere las páginas. 
  13. No incluya su nombre o cualquier referencia que lo identifique como autor del texto en el ensayo. Los ensayos deben permanecer anónimos para el proceso de revisión. 

Si su ensayo incluye imágenes/ilustraciones/capturas de pantalla de cine o television, etc., consulte nuestras normas para la publicación de imágenes, cómo preparar y someter archivos y los permisos apropiados para su publicación. Tenga en cuenta que una imagen ocupa media página (equivalente a 200 palabras de su ensayo) y este número se deduce del total máximo de palabras de su ensayo (8,000 words).


REGS publishes interviews with creative writers, artists, and prominent scholars whose work is related to the mission of AEGS and the scope of REGS. Interviewers must be current members of AEGS, be knowledgeable about the author's works and trajectory, and coordinate the preparation of the interview with REGS Associate Editor.

Before you submit an interview to REGS, contact the Associate Editor and provide the following information:

  • Brief introduction about the Author/Scholar/Artist to be interviewed (4-5 lines).
  • Impact of the interview for our readership  (4-5 lines)
  • Brief List of Interviewee's works, initiatives (titles only, up to 10).
  • The interviewer's/your expertise in the interviewee's work and motivation to make this interview (4-5 lines).
  • List of 7-10 questions to be approved by the associate editor. 
--> Once you get an answer from REGS Associate Editor, please proceed and prepare the interview text according to the following instructions:

Interviews should include:

  1. A brief introduction to the author's/artist's works and their impact on Hispanic/Lusophone literature/arts.   
  2. A set of well-thought questions approved by the associate editor.
  3. The author's works cited.  
  4. Length: 2500-3000 words (approx 9-11 pages)

The preparation of interviews follows the guidelines (format, style) to prepare essays for submission (with a different word count). Contact the Associate Editor for additional information. 



REGS publica entrevistas con escritores, artistas e intelectuales prominentes cuyo trabajo responde a la misión de AEGS y el alcance de REGS. Los entrevistadores deben ser miembros activos de AEGS, conocer la trayectoria y obras del autor/artista a entrevistar, y coordinar la preparación de la entrevista con la editora asociada de REGS
Antes de someter una entrevista a REGS, contacte al/a la editor/a asociado/a y provea la siguiente información:

  • Introducción breve acerca del autor/artista/intelectual a ser entrevistado (4-5 líneas).
  • Impacto de la entrevista para nuestros  lectores (4-5 íneas)
  • Lista breve (hasta 10) de trabajos publicados del entrevistado, o iniciativas. 
  • La experiencia del entrevistador con los trabajos del entrevistado/a y la motivación para hacer esta entrevista (4-5 íneas).
  • Lista de 7-10 preguntas que serán aprobadas por la editora asociada. 

Las entrevistas deben incluir: 

  1. Una introducción breve a los trabajos del/de la autor(a)/artsita y su impacto en la literatura/artes hispánicas/Lusófonas.    
  2. Una lista de preguntas coordinadas con la editora asociada. 
  3. Una lista de obras citadas del autor/artista 
  4. Extensión:2500-3000 palabras (aprox. 9-11 pags.)

La preparación de entrevistas sigue las instrucciones (formato, estilo) de la preparación de ensayos (aunque con un número distinto de palabras). Contacte al editor asociado para información adicional.  

Creative Works

This section has been discontinued. 

Review Essay

REGS publishes review essays of 2-3 academic/scholarly books (monographs, collections of essays) on a single topic on women's, gender and sexuality studies published in the Hispanic and Lusophone world. Preference is given to books published by academic presses within four years of the current issue’s publication. The Book Review Editor reserves the right to request revisions of review essays. Contact the Book Review Editor for additional information and titles to review in this essay.

The preparation of review essays follows the guidelines (format, style) to prepare essays for submission (a word count between 3,000-4,000 words). 



REGS publica ensayos-reseña de 2-3 libros académicos (monografías, colecciones de ensayos) que tratan sobre un tema en común de estudios de la mujer, estudios de género y de sexualidades en el mundo hispánico y lusófono. Se da preferencia a libros publicados por editoriales académicas que se distribuyen en los 4 años antes del número en curso de REGS. El editor de reseñas reserva el derecho de solicitar revisiones de los ensayos-reseña. Contacte al editor de reseñas si necesita más información.

La preparación de reseñas sigue la instrucciones (formato, estilo) para la preparación de ensayos (con un número diferente de palabras: 3,000 y 4,000 palabras). 

Book Reviews

REGS reviews academic/scholarly books (monographs, collections of essays) on women's, gender and sexuality studies published in the Hispanic and Lusophone world. Preference is given to books published by academic presses that have been published within four years of the current issue’s publication. The monthly newsletter of AEGS/AGSS provides a list of books that the Book Review Editor has received and are available for review. The Book Review Editor reserves the right to request revisions of book reviews. The Book Review Editor may also solicit review essays on multiple recent works on a single topic. Creative writing books (poetry, novel, short fiction, plays) can also be subject of shorter book reviews.

Book Reviews of scholarly works should:

  1. Present a clear synthesis of the topic of study.
  2. Place the reviewed book in the current debate about the topic.
  3. Present a critical perspective on the reviewed study.
  4. Length: 700-1000 words.

Reviews of literary works should:

  1. Offer a brief synopsis of the piece.
  2. Place the reviewed piece within its intellectual context, showing the tradition(s) in which it inscribes itself.
  3. Offer a critical perspective about the reviewed work, pointing out its aesthetic value and potential reflections it demands.
  4. Length: 350–700 words.

The preparation of book reviews follows the guidelines (format, style) to prepare essays for submission (with a different word count). Contact the Book Review Editor for additional information. 


REGS reseña libros académicos (monografías, colecciones de ensayos) que tratan temas de estudios de la mujer, estudios de género y de sexualidades en el mundo hispánico y lusófono. Se da preferencia a libros publicados por editoriales académicas que se distribuyen en los 4 años antes del número en curso de REGS. El boletín mensual de AEGS/AGSS provee una lista de libros recibidos por el editor de reseñas y que están disponibles para reseñar. El editor de reseñas reserva el derecho de solicitar revisiones de las reseñas. Asimismo, el editor de reseñas puede solicitar artículos que revisan varias obras que tratan un tema en común. Se publican también reseñas de obras creativas (poesía, novela, cuento, obras de teatro)

Las reseñas de libros académicos deben:

  1. Presentar una síntesis clara del tema y tesis del libro.
  2. Ubicar el libro reseñado en el debate actual sobre el tema.  
  3. Presentar una perspectiva crítica del libro reseñado. 
  4. Extensión: 700-1000 palabras.

Las reseñas de obras creativas deben:

  1. Ofrecer una sinopsis breve de la obra.  
  2. Ubicar la obra reseñada en su contexto intelectual y la(s) tradición(es) lliteraria(s)  en la(s) que se inscribe.  
  3. Ofrecer una perspectiva crítica de la obra reseñada, apuntar su valor estético y las reflexiones potenciales que suscita.
  4. Extensión: 350–700 palabras.

La preparación de reseñas sigue la instrucciones (formato, estilo) para la preparación de ensayos (con un número diferente de palabras).

Contacte al editor de reseñas si necesita más información.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.